Is there an alternative to git-annex for windows?



see Especially the use case of the archivist. Reproduced below

use case: The Archivist

Bob has many drives to archive his data, most of them kept offline, in a safe place.

With git-annex, Bob has a single directory tree that includes all his files, even if their content is being stored offline. He can reorganize his files using that tree, committing new versions to git, without worry about accidentally deleting anything.

When Bob needs access to some files, git-annex can tell him which drive(s) they're on, and easily make them available. Indeed, every drive knows what is on every other drive. more about location tracking

Bob thinks long-term, and so he appreciates that git-annex uses a simple repository format. He knows his files will be accessible in the future even if the world has forgotten about git-annex and git. more about future-proofing

Run in a cron job, git-annex adds new files to archival drives at night. It also helps Bob keep track of intentional, and unintentional copies of files, and logs information he can use to decide when it's time to duplicate the content of old drives. more about backup copies

Essentially that's what I do with some photo files. Being paranoid, i maintain several copies and keep originals seperate from display use. I think git-annex would help solve this problem, but since I use windows what can I do to make management easier?

Currently I use FreeFileSync manually to keep things in the archive.


Posted 2013-04-18T08:01:31.950

Reputation: 842

Question was closed 2015-04-02T02:01:39.070

1"Instead, describe your situation and the specific problem you're trying to solve." How could it be better described than in the provided snippet? – Alicia – 2018-03-30T10:55:39.647

I feel the same @Alicia but unfortunately it seems like there's no readymade solution for this. Have to kludge one up, in case you stumbled here with the same question. – Vijay – 2018-04-01T07:22:58.183


git-annex beta runs on Windows Also git-annex runs in WSL under Windows 10 without any of the limitation of the beta Windows port.

– Rolf – 2019-04-21T13:37:11.177

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