Latest file from ftp server using wget or some other way


How can I download the latest file available in ftp server using wget. If I am using the below command it is giving all the files.

wget ftp://id:password@ftpserver/dir/*

Regards, Ram.


Posted 2009-10-20T16:00:47.877


5why don't you give us a little bit less information to work with? – None – 2009-10-20T16:25:53.363



The answer is that you probably can't do this using just wget or any other single tool that I am aware of.

What you probably need to do is write a script that will use wget/curl/whatever that will request a directory listing from the ftp server. Then the script will select and retrieve the right file based on the file's name, or some other criteria.


Posted 2009-10-20T16:00:47.877

Reputation: 18 453

using wget I am able to get all files issue is if I have that file already then it is coming and storeing as file_name.1 I want to download the files which are not available there. – None – 2009-10-20T23:19:14.857


Just add the "-N" option to wget to ignore files older than what you have locally. You could also add the "-nc" to completely skip a file if it already exists, even if the one on FTP is newer.

wget -N ftp://id:password@ftpserver/dir/*


Posted 2009-10-20T16:00:47.877

Reputation: 635


My Solution is this:

curl ''$(curl '' 2>/dev/null | tail -1 | awk '{print $(NF)}')


Posted 2009-10-20T16:00:47.877

Reputation: 59

I needed also the latest items*.csv file however curl will not allow wildcart patterns so I solved with a grep command piped after curl. Thanks for sharing your solution as I like it! – Bob Siefkes – 2016-04-19T13:02:14.740


Try to specify the file you want to download. Using '*' will download every file in the directory 'dir'.



...will download exactly the file 'welcome.msg' from the mentioned server.

Check the Wget-Manual.

Update: I'm not sure if I get your problem. Are you trying to sync the content of the remote server (machine running the FTP daemon) with your local server? Are you looking for something like rsync functionality over FTP? If yes, you could try ftpsync (wget alone won't help in this case).


Posted 2009-10-20T16:00:47.877

Reputation: 111

Hi The file is like file-name_YYYYMMDD.sql.gz where YYYY - year, MM - month, DD -date I cant specify the exact file name – None – 2009-10-20T17:18:05.707

Seems like a database backup / schema script – Sathyajith Bhat – 2009-10-21T12:10:05.323


Maybe my non-ideal but simple solution will be useful for somebody.

First, I've installed proftpd. Here is /ftp directory tree example:


Then I added task in crontab to execute every minute this script:

PACKAGES=$(find /ftp/* -type d -not -name 'lost+found')
for PACKAGE in "${PACKAGES[@]}"; do
  echo $(ls -I 'latest' -Atp "${PACKAGE}" | grep -v '/' | head -n 1) > "${PACKAGE}"/latest

So for every file (or package in my case) you need to create individual directory and there will be file 'latest' that contains name of latest file in that directory. If you want to get latest version of some file then you can just execute command:

wget ftp://"${FTP_SRV}"/"${FILE}"/$(curl -s ftp://"${FTP_SRV}"/"${FILE}"/latest)


Posted 2009-10-20T16:00:47.877

Reputation: 51

You should add some quotes to that script — and, ideally, not loop over find’s output in the first place. – Scott – 2017-10-02T07:52:55.117

@Scott, I've understood your remark about quotes, but I don't get you about loop over find's output. Could you clarify this? – HeroFromEarth – 2017-10-02T18:13:10.763

1Why is looping over find's output bad practice? – Scott – 2017-10-04T04:06:55.467