Alternative to K9 spam handler?


I've been using the free K9 spam handler for a couple of years now, but it hasn't been updated since 2004 and has a couple of bugs that bother me:

  • The Find feature stops at the first e-mail found, and doesn't go further

  • I'd like to copy the list of e-mails marked as either real or SPAM, but K9 only copies the first item in the clipboard

For those of you who have researched desktop anti-SPAM handlers under Windows, what do you suggest as an alternative, either free or moderately priced?


Posted 2009-10-21T08:35:45.290

Reputation: 5 153

Question was closed 2012-08-03T20:13:53.263

Why do you need to copy the list of messages to the clipboard? – innaM – 2009-10-21T13:05:34.440


POPFile rocks. Been a happy user for many years, and it's still in active development. He just released an update last month. See Manni's answer: I've also used MailWasher, that was also mentioned, but much prefer POPFile.

– raven – 2009-10-21T18:24:11.610



mailwasher-free is the leader in spam filter software, and the easiest way to check and manage your e-mails before you download them

alt text


Posted 2009-10-21T08:35:45.290

Reputation: 11 615

i understand what who did the down vote for this question – joe – 2009-10-22T15:35:47.777


Try POPFile.

What is POPFile?

POPFile classifies email into categories you define. It can sort into spam and not spam or into any number of categories you like (e.g. work, personal, important project, hobby, etc.).

The classification is done using a naïve Bayes algorithm. In other words, POPFile uses statistics to track which words are likely to appear in which messages. This means that POPFile will adapt to the kind of mail you receive and needs to be trained. Out of the box, it doesn't know anything about spam or how messages from your mother differ from those your friends send you. However, if you train it, it will soon learn how to tell these different kinds of messages apart.

How does POPFile work?

POPFile is a proxy which sits between your mail client and your mail server. Commands generated by your email client are passed through POPFile to the email server. As messages are retrieved, POPFile reads incoming messages, tries to classify them to the categories you have defined and then passes them on to your email client.


Posted 2009-10-21T08:35:45.290

Reputation: 9 208