Windows services: force windows to attempt to start service after failed attempts


Appears that after a Windows service fails to start once or twice (with the ~"Service failed to respond in a timely fashion" error) then Windows ceases even trying to start the service and just instantly errors.

Is there a way to force Windows to actually try running the service without restarting?


Posted 2013-04-09T15:33:31.397

Reputation: 144

Have you found a solution to this issue by any chance? I am seeing same problem where service on failure would be restarted, but it then gives up if it fails during the startup time. – Alexey Kamenskiy – 2019-08-12T03:42:30.063

Have you tried the options on the Recovery tab?

– trpt4him – 2013-04-10T00:56:18.953

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