Excessive resource usage from /usr/sbin/atd?


I've been getting excessive resource usage notification from ConfigServerFirewall about this. Is it safe to disable /usr/sbin/atd, or should I just let it be and ignore it?


Posted 2013-04-04T17:15:12.133

Reputation: 4 845

1That depends, do you use it? at is a way of running commands at a specified time. I use it to run commands on servers and logout, leaving the command running in the background. Find out what processes (if any) are using the at daemon (atd). – terdon – 2013-04-04T17:16:28.913

What terdon said; you could always try to attach lsof to the PID to see what it's doing. – tink – 2013-04-04T19:00:04.507



You should find out what jobs atd is running that are consuming so much time. As atd could be used to run all sorts of things, disabling it might disable all kinds of services you may need (like periodic backups or something).

Your problem may be that something is running more often than it should, or requeuing itself.

Run the command atq as superuser to see what kind of stuff is being queued.


Posted 2013-04-04T17:15:12.133

Reputation: 1 495


To show the actual content of a particular job number on the queue, listed by atq you can use:

at -c job_num

For further suggestions see this answer.


Posted 2013-04-04T17:15:12.133

Reputation: 880