Keyboard number pad not working



I am running Ubuntu 9, and recently I have a very strange error.

My number pad on my keyboard don't work. Its not hardware since I changed the keyboard and I still have the same problem.

Gabriel Solomon

Posted 2009-10-20T11:33:56.120

Reputation: 1 030

does the NumLock LED light up? does it work when numlock is on/off? – quack quixote – 2009-10-20T11:40:51.473



It could be your mouse settings. Your keyboard is set to move the cursor with your number pad.

To Slove this issue

  1. Go to System > Preferences > Accessibility > Keyboard Accessibility
  2. Select [x] Enable keyboard accessibility features
  3. Go to the tab Mouse Keys and deselect [ ] Enable keyboard accessibility features.

similar to article:


Posted 2009-10-20T11:33:56.120

Reputation: 11 615

4thanks it worked :D ... only that in ubuntu 9 they are in System > Preferences > Keyboard > Mouse Keys – Gabriel Solomon – 2009-10-20T11:47:26.577

How can I do this in Ubuntu 12.10? – Ionică Bizău – 2013-04-10T04:57:23.323


On a Mint 18.2 encountered a similar problem
Menu > Accessibility > Mouse > switch off Control the pointer using the keypad
screen guide: switch on numpad linux mint enter image description here


Posted 2009-10-20T11:33:56.120

Reputation: 111


Check if the mouse pointer moves, when you press 4 on the numeric pad? If so your keyboard are in the incredibly annoying mouse keys state.

[shift]+[num lock] dosen't work for me on ubuntu 14.10

  • Enter the system settings menu
  • select "accessibility"
  • Choose the last tab The top switch is "mouse keys" Switch it of!

Simon Riget

Posted 2009-10-20T11:33:56.120

Reputation: 1