I have to use a specific CMS to manage multiple websites. The forms that the html templates, javascript files, and css documents get entered in are just basic textarea elements, with no nice code editor.
Is there something I can add to my firefox installation to make it do colours and indents automatically?
1Why don't you just edit in your preferred editor and then paste into the web form? – terdon – 2013-04-01T19:49:08.320
Following on from what user terdon says, this may be useful: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/addon/its-all-text/
– Wk_of_Angmar – 2013-04-01T23:56:48.7831Why don't I? Because I don't want to. It's more clicking and farting around. Hey, why use a computer at all right? Just write everything down on paper and put it in a filing cabinet. – Jordan Hudson – 2013-04-03T04:31:56.180