Is it possible for an administrator install a program remotely in the background of Windows 7 with the admin share?


For example, I have Kaspersky. I can remotely install it and it runs a setup package. It does this all in the background, first copying its files to that admin share admin$.

Is it possible or is there some tool I can use to do this? I have a codec I need to install on several users machines.

I am the administrator and have all permissions set.


Posted 2013-03-21T13:42:10.920

Reputation: 1 783



It is indeed possible, and the 'psexec' tool from System Internals can be used to run arbitrary programs remotely in the way you're looking to accomplish. Details on psexec, and a download, can be found here; as long as you have admin rights on the remote machine, and can run the codec installer in such a way that it doesn't require user input to complete, it should do what you're looking for.

Aaron Miller

Posted 2013-03-21T13:42:10.920

Reputation: 8 849