Is there any program/extension that I can use with browser that will refresh a webpage and search for a certain phrase or text and then stop once the phrase is found or is not found.
For example say I made a site that cycles using a randomizer through the words "One," "Two," and "Three."
This program would refresh the page until the word "Three" is found, If I set it to find that word, and then stop once it is found.
This program would refresh the page until the word "Three" is not found, If I set it to find that word, and then stop once it is not found.
I know that we can use curl and grep to do that, but the page is not loaded on webbrowser. This is not what I want. see if there is solution that we can load on browser as well
If there no such things exists, any idea on how to write this kind of program? use what tool to do that?
could this method could be expanded for this question important question. https://superuser.com/questions/1320599/custom-chrome-tampermonkey-script-that-reloads-certain-assigned-pages-only-onc
– music2myear – 2018-05-10T22:56:00.530