If I only have one device connected to it, is the speed as fast as if I plugged it in directly to computer?
It depends on the hub. But assuming the hub has its own source of power and operates at the fastest transfer rate the device and port support, then yes. Otherwise, it could force the device into a lower power mode or a lower transfer speed.
If I have 2 flash drives plugged into and copy data simultaniously to my computer does the data alternate or do they both get transfered at the same time? (my usb flash drives max out at a read of 5 mb/s and i know usb can go much faster (20 mb/s or so))
The flash drives transfer data internally at the same time. The USB bus alternates. This is one of the reasons devices have buffers. While the total transfer rate from both devices can't exceed the port's speed, you will see both devices transferring at their full internal speed thanks to buffering.
If i copy data from 1 flash drive to another (both are plugged into the hub), does the data go to the computer or does the hub just redirect the data?
It goes to the computer. The data can't be redirected because it isn't the same on both devices. Filesystems don't just store data, they store metadata as well. They have journalling rules, buffer flushing rules, block sizes, and so on. There just isn't enough smarts on either device for it to talk directly to the other -- neither device understands its own filesystem let alone the other device's filesystem.
So for question 2, would both flash drives be transferring at 12mbit to the computer because the 2 together doesnt excede the 35 mb/s transfer? – agz – 2013-03-18T03:22:29.770
transfers will flow at the lowest speed of the chain. So a USB v3 device's speed would be wasted on a USB 1 hub. And if you have a fast v3 hub, plugging in v1 device, the device will run at v1 speeds. – Keltari – 2013-03-18T03:23:06.177
Ok thats good to know, but my question was if 2 devices run at 12 mbit, will the speed in the cable between the hub and the computer run at 24 mbits? – agz – 2013-03-18T19:33:29.973
no, the hub can only sustain 12 mb/s – Keltari – 2013-03-18T22:37:01.307