How to disable the "highlight changes" feature?



Our admins deployed a new version of Notepad++ (version 6.3) on our machines, and this version is highlighting all changes done in a file by default. It does so by setting the background color of every modified line to a bright orange, which I find very distracting.

We have dozens of plugins installed, but I double checked and we do not have the "Change Markers" plugin (which could be the culprit).

Any idea where I can disable this feature? Changing the highlight color could also be an option.


Posted 2013-03-14T10:47:32.943

Reputation: 303



I believe the plugin that is causing this background color change is "Location Navigate". Check and see if this is installed. If so, click Plugins -> Location Navigate -> Show List and Option. There will then be a drop box on the lower portion of the windows that says "Mark with Highlight". You could then choose to change this to whatever suits your needs. I personally prefer mark with Rect. It would then mark the changed lines with a rect bar in a margin on the left.

Alternatively, above the Dropbox option there are two options "Mark Color" & "Save Color". You could leave the Mark with Highlight option and just change the color of highlight...

I am 95 percent sure this will fix your issue.


Posted 2013-03-14T10:47:32.943

Reputation: 376

1Thanks a ton for this! +1 from me. I was just formulating such a question of my own when this one was suggested. – sbi – 2015-03-15T08:16:53.580

I have the same problem but no location navigate plugin – skan – 2015-07-28T10:05:58.660

I have the same issue, and the resolution is perfect! – Jackie Yeh – 2015-09-01T02:41:24.767

To access the "Mark Color" & "Save Color" options follow "Plugins" -> "Location Navigate" -> "Show List and Option". Look at the bottom of the oppened box (you may need to resize the Notepad ++ window). GPL License rules! =D – Eduardo Lucio – 2016-10-05T13:35:30.530

Setting or unsetting Plugins > Location Navigate > Mark Changed Line does not have any effect, changed lines are always highlighted in orange. – Raketenolli – 2018-10-19T08:28:43.500

@Raketenolli Open the "Show List and Option" window, click on Mark Color and select the color you want. If you don't want any marking, click the Mark button (also toggled by Mark Save Line) to disable it (the button's color change is very slight) and future edits will not mark lines. – Suncat2000 – 2019-01-16T13:47:41.770

3Or to toggle on/off completely, select 'Plugins > Location Navigate > Mark Changed Line' ('Ctrl + Alt + M') – pelms – 2013-08-28T13:49:27.893

I spent at least 30 minutes trying to figure out what element of my style.xml file was making this happen. Thanks so much! – NickHalden – 2013-10-29T22:48:11.437