How can I get numbers of CPU of Sun Solaris by command?



I can use 'prtdiag' to get number of CPU by prtdiag command.

$ prtdiag
System Configuration:  Sun Microsystems  sun4u Sun Fire 6800
System clock frequency: 150 MHz
Memory size: 4096 Megabytes

========================= CPUs 

             CPU      Run    E$   CPU      CPU
FRU Name    ID       MHz    MB   Impl.    Mask
----------  -------  ----  ----  -------  ----
/N0/SB1/P2    6      1200   8.0  US-III+  11.0
/N0/SB1/P3    7      1200   8.0  US-III+  11.0
/N0/SB3/P2   14      1200   8.0  US-III+  11.0
/N0/SB3/P3   15      1200   8.0  US-III+  11.0

But, I don't know is there any command could get the number (4 in this example)to let my script use it?

Daniel YC Lin

Posted 2013-03-13T05:20:16.447

Reputation: 795



With modern CPUs and their multi-core, multi-thread technologies, you need to define more precisely what you want to count but in your case, psrinfo better suits the job:

psrinfo -p

Note that prtdiag wasn't designed to be parseable and might return a very different output depending on the hardware.


Posted 2013-03-13T05:20:16.447

Reputation: 12 469

For numbers of cores/threads, I often do psrinfo -v | grep -c on-line which isn't the cleanest solution, but it's always worked for me. – alanc – 2013-03-14T06:06:06.373


Here is a simple set of pipes using psrinfo:

psrinfo -v | grep ^Status | tail -1 | awk '{x = $5 + 1; print "CPUs: " x;}'

Example output:

CPUs: 6


Posted 2013-03-13T05:20:16.447

Reputation: 31


How about

prtdiag | grep -c "^/"

To use the resulting value in a script, use $(prtdiag | grep -c "^/").


Posted 2013-03-13T05:20:16.447

Reputation: 17 653


Here is a good script to find all the CPU, cores, virtual CPU (threads)


Posted 2013-03-13T05:20:16.447

Reputation: 1

1Adding the script from the link would improve the answer. Links do break and then your answer is of no use. – Dave M – 2013-12-18T14:11:25.167