Chat room in Thunderbird with Google Chat


How do I start a chat room in Thunderbird with Google Chat? What values do I use for room and server?


Thunderbird 17.0.3.


Posted 2013-03-09T17:59:15.337

Reputation: 4 502

Wow, Room: private-chat-1aafa6b0-89f8-11e2-9e96-0800200c9a66 and Server: worked! Peculiar. So how do I invite people to the chat? Thunderbird doesn't seem to have an invite function. – Chloe – 2013-03-11T03:08:05.530

1I have added it as an answer below. As for inviting people, perhaps you can try asking them to use the exact same room name and server at their end while signing in. If that doesn't help, post a new question because I've never used Google Chat in Thunderbird. I just guessed that what works for iChat might also work for Thunderbird. – Karan – 2013-03-11T03:23:39.277



For server use

For room, you need to create a UUID by using an offline or online utility, then enter private-chat-UUID as the room name (obviously replace UUID with the actual one you generated).

Edit: To invite others to your newly created private chat room you'll need to send them the exact same room name and server you used (confirmed to work here). Unfortunately, as long as Google Chat in Thunderbird lacks an Invite option this roundabout way seems to be the only solution.


Posted 2013-03-09T17:59:15.337

Reputation: 51 857