Windows can't find domain name that everyone else can see


I've configured a DNS server on my home LAN. It serves a few extra domain names, such as foo. Note that foo is configured to return 404s for all requests. (I haven't gotten to getting it to do what I want it to do.) Also, note that foo is a single-level domain name, i.e., foo. is the FQDN. Hopefully obvious, this is not a name that I expect to resolve anywhere but my home network.

A lone Windows machine on the network seems to be failing DNS requests — I have no idea why.

Network topology, just for reference:

^ out to Comcast
* Comcast modem
+-*, a server, hosting a webserver and a DNS server.
+-*, a wireless router.
(via WiFi)
  +-* an Android phone
  +-* a Windows laptop.
  +-* a Linux laptop.

The wireless router is configured to use for DNS. However, it sends out as the DNS server in its DHCP response (verified with Wireshark).

The Android phone, if asked to do http://foo/ in Chrome, gets the 404. (Which is correct.)

The Windows machine, if asked to do the same in Chrome, fails, with a "Oops! Google Chrome could not find" page. Using nslookup on the machine, and giving it foo at the prompt, it appears to be unable to find foo. It claims to be using as a DNS server. If I nslookup foo. (note the dot), I get the right IP address back. If I request, I get the 404.

On the Linux machine, a dig @ foo gives the right response. Additionally, dig @ foo also gives the correct result.

What the heck is going on? Why is the Windows machine returning not found for DNS responses, whereas all the other machines seem to get the right answer?

Edit: I have Python on the Windows machine. I actually have two domains, foo and bar. Python's socket.gethostbyname can see foo, but not bar. (They're being served by the same DNS server mind you — the records are identical save for the name.) nslookup can't see squat, except the one with dot. Nothing works in Chrome.


Posted 2013-03-08T07:33:18.933

Reputation: 1 924

If it works with the trailing dot, then it is because Windows does not think foo is a fully qualified domain, and appends its own primary suffix - eq it is looking for foo.local. The dot lets Windows know it is fqdn. Is the domain really a single level, it contains no dots? – Paul – 2013-03-08T11:44:48.040

Try booting in Safe Mode with networking support, then access the domain, if it works, its something installed on your Windows system causing the issue. – None – 2013-03-08T11:22:14.270

Too vague, not really helpful. Why should (s)he do that ? Please explain. – user 99572 is fine – 2013-03-08T11:55:04.147

Yes, the domain is actually a single level, e.g., just foo. Obviously, this DNS server is not serving to the Internet, and is only intended to work here, on my home network. – Thanatos – 2013-03-13T07:19:06.573

is WINS running? – SnakeDoc – 2013-03-13T07:50:29.433

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