How to enable color options in ConEmu, similar to bash terminal?



In Linux bash terminal we can enable color.

Is it possible to achieve the same for ConEmu?

Vivek Kumar

Posted 2013-03-06T15:56:11.083

Reputation: 425



Seems to me, your question is incorrect. You need to enable color in your console application, but not in ConEmu, because it is terminal, but not a shell. Refer to your shell/application manuals. For example, ls has special switch.

ls --color

There are also ANSI sequences, ConEmu supports them - you must enable two options (ATM they are on the Features page of Settings dialog)

  • Inject ConEmuHk
  • ANSI X3.64

Enabling colors in ConEmu

Of course, your application must be able to output ANSI codes to console. If they not - ConEmu can't do anything with them, because it is terminal, but not a shell.


Posted 2013-03-06T15:56:11.083

Reputation: 19 395

I Thanks a lot for your time and helping out of this confusion. – Vivek Kumar – 2013-03-07T06:55:06.333

This post is very helpful, but I still can't get mine to work. I've tried with cmd.exe as the underlying shell in the startup section, as well as zsh for windows and tccle.exe but when I execute "ls --color" provided by Gnuwin 32's coreutils package I just get ansi escape codes in the output. Even when I use the Git Bash console I just get ansi codes (whereas git commands via sh.exe show color). Any idea why? – Sridhar Sarnobat – 2013-10-08T19:21:13.517

@Sridhar-Sarnobat if you get raw ansi escape codes, why not to enable them in ConEmu? wiki

– Maximus – 2013-10-08T21:04:38.800

Appearance -> ANSI X3.64 / xterm 256 colors was already checked, and so was Miscellaneous Options -> Inject ConEmuHk. But I still get escape codes in the output. Is there soemthing else I need to do? – Sridhar Sarnobat – 2013-10-08T21:22:26.123

Update to preview build at least. – Maximus – 2013-10-09T05:04:28.480


Have you looked in the Options dialog.

enter image description here

Brad Patton

Posted 2013-03-06T15:56:11.083

Reputation: 9 939

The color scemes are important if you see wrong colors, e.g. the green is displayed as red/yellow. I also prefer <Ubuntu> style. – Gábor Imre – 2015-06-03T10:56:44.650

yeah I thought it wasn't working - and then I went to this page and changed to another scheme. The default conemu hides my coloring for some reaosn. – Mikey – 2019-01-20T13:27:21.337

the ubuntu scheme is nice for example – Mikey – 2019-01-20T13:40:33.027

1Yes I tried that earlier too.

I am looking for something like for example, dir are in different color if I press ls command – Vivek Kumar – 2013-03-06T16:07:59.567