What does "unknown command" mean in Pidgin?



While chatting with another user just type /some text in Pidgin. It shows "unknown command". What does it mean? How can I resolve this?


Posted 2009-10-16T09:59:36.640

Reputation: 11 615



sorry i found the answer . actually the acceptable commands in pidgin are buzz, clear, clearall, debug, help, me, ping, say

Check here :

   Use "/help <command>" for help on a specific command.
    The following commands are available in this context:
    buzz, clear, clearall, debug, help, me, ping, say.


Posted 2009-10-16T09:59:36.640

Reputation: 11 615

3This /somecommand syntax initially appeared in IRC, and now can be found in almost all chat and IM clients (including even Skype). – user1686 – 2009-10-16T12:50:55.770

ya .thats true :-) – joe – 2009-10-16T13:38:25.437

2If your message begins with a slash, Pidgin will interpret it as a command. Use /say MSG to work around this (where MSG is the message beginning with a slash). – Ben Challenor – 2013-10-19T11:47:51.400