Can't get Raspbmc to browse samba shared folders



I can't get Raspbmc to browse my shared folders on my Windows 7 computer that is in the same network. When trying to add a networklocation, I get 'connection timed out'

Things I have tried:

  • I deleted all the workgroups in the network.
  • I've set my network type to 'home network'
  • I've opened up all the setting under 'change advanced sharing settings' both under 'public' and 'home or work'
  • I shared a folder on my Windows 7 computer via -> share with -> specific people -> everyone
  • I installed the latest nightly build
  • I executed 'sudo apt-get install samba' in the terminal, witch stated the latest version of samba was already installed
  • I am able to ping the pc with the shared folder from the pi.
  • Tried turning off windows firewall
  • I've tried making windows users and filling in those credentials when connecting

I have a second computer also running windows 7, XBMC on this pc is able to see my shared folder. I'm fairly technical but really inexperienced with Linux, is there something that I am missing?

Also don't know if this is related but i cant connect via putty, I get 'connection refused'


Posted 2013-02-25T22:12:16.860

Reputation: 53

Could you try to connect from your Raspberry Pi via the command line to Windows? You could do this in 2 steps, first list the available shares and then connect to it. 1. List shares: smbclient -L "\\<windows-hostname>" -U "<workgroup>\username" you can skip the -U ... if you do not need a user. 2. Connect: smbclient "\\<windows-hostname>\<share-name>" -U "<workgroup>\username" you can also skip the -U ... if you do not need a user. What are the outputs or error messages? – Huygens – 2013-03-07T09:13:07.610

Can't connect to WHAT from WHERE via putty? Please be more specific. – jnovack – 2013-04-05T13:55:31.947



The few times I have had this problem with RaspBMC the solution has been to reboot my SMB server and/or Raspberry Pi itself. After that I was able to access the SMB shares without any problem.


Posted 2013-02-25T22:12:16.860

Reputation: 2 102

Rebooted the server and was able to connect – kevinsky50 – 2013-04-18T12:06:46.820


I found increasing the memory available to the LanMan server in Windows solved my problem. The answer is described here:

Change the following registry keys: HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\LargeSystemCache -> DWORD value 1 HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters\Size -> DWORD value 3

Then restart the computer, or run services.msc and restart the "Server" service.


Posted 2013-02-25T22:12:16.860

Reputation: 1