Chrome omnibox behavior



In my corporate network, to access an intranet site like "ABC.COMPANY.COM", we just type "ABC" in the firefox/IE address bar and press enter. Since we are inside the "COMPANY.COM" domain, the browser takes us to "ABC.COMPANY.COM".

But the behavior of Chrome omnibox is sort of annoying. It Google searches for "ABC" rather than taking us to the site. Any tips to go to "ABC.COMPANY.COM" instead without typing the whole address?



Posted 2013-02-25T19:20:56.380

Reputation: 421

1type in the full address few times & Omnibox will learn it and autocomplete it for you. – Sathyajith Bhat – 2013-02-27T11:09:00.913



Say your company's site URL is extremely awkward or messy. Assume the TLD is    

But, the actual intranet site is located at the following URL:"node_5"    

In Chrome's address bar/Omnibox, enter:


This should bring up a list of search engines and their query strings. At the bottom of the list should be three blank input boxes for adding a custom search engine.

They are for:

  1. search engine title (1)
  2. earch engine base URL (2), the latter of which is actually an alias for
  3. the full search query URL string (3).

Now, enter:

  1. Any name/title you want - it's trivial.
  2. Your preferred keyword - abc, say.
  3. The full URL

Click Done to save it. And there's your custom keyword ready to go.


Posted 2013-02-25T19:20:56.380

Reputation: 79

I don't know what you want to do, but my answer works - if it's not what you were looking for - e.g. if you want to view files, then the question wasn't clear on that. What OS environment? In windows files would be accessed with file:///X:/path/to/file.ext/ where X is the shared network drive. But that doesn't seem to be what you're asking.

Ps: you can then still map that as I explained as a search query of your choice. – skopp – 2013-06-26T10:44:30.050

Another thing: in Windows, the server location as the other person answered would use backslashes ie. \\abc\ or \\server_front_office\ - specificity required. – skopp – 2013-06-26T10:52:31.313


Try typing //abc/

This indicates to the browser not to do a search. You will instead browse to machine name abc, which your network likely redirects to

If you type abc and Chrome runs a search for the term, there should be a bubble that appears prompting if you meant http://abc/ instead of a search. If you say yes, Chrome will remember this setting for you.


Posted 2013-02-25T19:20:56.380

Reputation: 764