I have the following problem using matlab on Windows 7.
When I double-click a .mat file matlab starts and loads the double-clicked file. Double-Clicking further .mat files opens them also in matlab. So far so good...
On the ohter hand, when I start matlab manually by clicking its Icon on the desktop, I get an "User Account Control" alert asking me if I "want to allow the following program from an unkown publisher to make changes to this computer".
The problem is that a double-click on a .mat file opens another instance of matlab. The running matlab is for some reason not recognized. Does anyone know how to fix this behaviour?
The simple solution is to open the file by hand from within the application. My guess is your using a version not designed to support Windows 7. Here is a good question on that subject: http://superuser.com/questions/194806/which-matlab-version-should-i-use-with-windows7?rq=1
– Ramhound – 2013-02-25T12:56:29.647Of course this simple solution works. But I was asking for a solution to this annoying UAC issue. I forget to mention that I use matlab R2011b as all people in our department do without this kind of problem. – user1618022 – 2013-02-25T15:38:22.627
If other people are not having this problem then its a problem with your system's configuration. Until you verify your configuration is correct, not much else we can suggest, if opening the file within the application isn't an acceptable solution. – Ramhound – 2013-02-25T15:59:32.200
That's what I was asking for: What is the problem with my system configuration? – user1618022 – 2013-02-26T06:22:08.673
Thats a better question for your IT staff. Of course I doubt this problem doesn't exist on your peer's computers also. – Ramhound – 2013-02-26T12:21:22.797