The question is a bit tricky. Whois is normally a good place to start as it gives you a feel for the site, including the nameservers which, if often, but not always give you a hint about the hosting provider.
In order to work out where a site is located, you need to get its IP address. This is as easy as doing a "ping" to the site. Even better, if you use traceroute it will show you all the hops between your computer and that site - and usually the hops immediately before will give you a clue of their ISP's router. Importantly, using traceroute will do a reverse lookup on the domains and this will help you work out who their ISP is. You can then google the results to try and find a contact detail for their domain name.
Another technique might be to look and see how mail is handled for the site, and see if there is a link (again, not always). To do this you need to do a DNS lookup for the MX record for the site. (Googling "MX Lookup") should help you come up with a tool for this. If they are farming their mail out to an ISP, you should be able to do a WHOIS to find more about the ISP and contact them.
What are you trying to achieve exactly? If they host their own server its unlikely you will have any luck shutting them down, even if you do, they can replace their server within hours. – Ramhound – 2013-02-25T11:41:43.813