In Mac OS X how to define the thumbnail for a specific file type?


I have many files with the file extension ".dat". I wish to assign a thumbnail to these files with this extension because the default one is of very low resolution and is disturbing when working. I figured how to change the thumbnail for specific, single files, but I would like to define the file type for all .dat files.

How do I do that?


Posted 2013-02-20T10:54:50.260

Reputation: 123



Well, that's simple, in the application you're developing, in the dictionary for that document type in your app's Info.plist (if there is no such dict, add that first), you add in the CFBundleTypeIconFile key the name of an icns file in your app resources that provides the icon and…

Oh, wait, you mean, how to do so as a user? As soon as that question is moved to Ask Different, I'll be able to answer that, short of creating a dummy app for that sole purpose (EDIT:) or modifying the source icon in the system or the app to which .dat belongs, which may be used for more than one type and is risky business anyway (END EDIT), I am not aware of any way you can do so.

Pierre Lebeaupin

Posted 2013-02-20T10:54:50.260

Reputation: 101

How unfortunate. Well then... thanks anyway.

Would it help to know what the system is doing in the background when I change the thumbnail icon manually? Could it be scripted? Still, new .dat files would probably get the old thumbnail. – None – 2013-02-20T12:12:19.723

When you set a custom icon for a file, it gets added to the file metadata. Oh, BTW, I edited the answer slightly. – None – 2013-02-21T12:50:31.840