How do I setup CRM 2011 to move a Lead into an Opportunity?


Not much more info I can give. I'm new to CRM. I want to setup things so a Lead automatically gets turned into an Opportunity and then gets removed from the Lead when a specific field is set to a specific value. How do I do this?


Posted 2013-02-14T14:29:58.320

Reputation: 163



You can use Javascript, C# (through plug-ins) or Workflow.

You can set a workflow when a lead is assigned automatically create a Opportunity and other workflow when a specific field change and the value is x remove the reference of Lead.

This tool can help you.

If you go to a manual workflow you need create a contact with information of lead, create opportunity record with the previous contact and change the state of lead to qualified.

Pedro Azevedo

Posted 2013-02-14T14:29:58.320

Reputation: 163

Did you mean to say "Contact"? Why would I need to create a new Contact? Did you mean "Activity" or something? – IAmAN00B – 2013-02-18T17:33:44.913

Contact or Account. Lead at least in my company is a potencial customer when we qualified to Opportunity we create a Contact or Account based in information of Lead. – Pedro Azevedo – 2013-02-19T09:02:40.980

I actually just learned that, out of the box, CRM does the work for you. I didn't know that just clicking "Qualify" does most of the heavy lifting that I thought I had to do manually. There are only a few simple wires I need to connect behind the scenes for custom field. Thanks man. – IAmAN00B – 2013-02-19T17:08:04.017