Wget 1.12 binary for Windows, can anybody find it?



I've been trying to find a Wget v1.12 binary for Windows as it parses CSS. No success. I successfully compiled for OS X but can't do the same for Windows. Is anybody else able to find or compile?


Posted 2009-10-14T09:50:42.300

Reputation: 991

@mikael, check depiman's answer below, this question is answered – akira – 2010-04-04T18:45:48.313



I am not aware of any, even cygwin did not upgrade its wget version yet.

This might not be surprising, as the windows/README file found in wget 1.12 sources starts this way:

NOTE: as of version 1.12, the building of Wget on Windows using these supplied Makefiles, is severely broken. HOWEVER, it is currently possible to build Wget on Windows using the standard Unix-y "./configure && make", under MinGW + MSYS, though there are some rough edges when you go beyond the basic build.

We expect to support this method for building Wget more fully in future releases; the degree to which other Windows build methods will be supported is not currently clear, as the cost of their maintenance has grown significantly.

Furthermore, searching wget mailing list, this was stated soon before the release of wget 1.12:

If I get it to build on Windows (any method) before then, I'll include those relevant changes in the sources, too... but it may not include "frills" like IDN/IRI support, or even statically-linked builds. I think "polished" Windows support will probably have to wait until 1.12.1 - even if we get nice builds going for Windows wgets, there won't have been sufficient time to test wget on Windows, so the quality will be dubious.


Posted 2009-10-14T09:50:42.300

Reputation: 1 998



This mingw distribution includes a compiled binary of wget 1.12

The download is a .7z self-extracting achive.. so just open it up in 7zip and extract wget.exe.. no .dlls needed.

nota member

Posted 2009-10-14T09:50:42.300

Reputation: 11


Seems the developers question if it will compile on Windows. :(

I think "polished" Windows support will probably have to wait until 1.12.1 - even if we get nice builds going for Windows wgets, there won't have been sufficient time to _test_ wget on Windows, so the quality will be dubious.


Posted 2009-10-14T09:50:42.300

Reputation: 991



read the site well!


Posted 2009-10-14T09:50:42.300
