Windows 7 changes the taskbar and removes quicklaunch which I used heavily and miss somewhat.
I know you can re-add quicklaunch to the taskbar but it seems to me a better idea would be an application that sat in the taskbar and displayed the quicklaunch icons when the cursor hovered over it, similar to the other menus that are displayed when an taskbar item is right-clicked in Windows 7. That would give you the speed and convenience of the old quicklaunch but not use up any screen real estate.
Does anyone know of any settings or applications for Windows 7 like this?
1What's wrong with the Windows 7 taskbar? I don't understand what a Quick Launch menu can give you that the superbar can't. – Sasha Chedygov – 15 years ago
I agree with musicfreak. Pin the ones you like, then drag them around to reorder them. That's very quicklaunch-like, IMO. – Chris Farmer – 15 years ago