linux laptop - bind key and click to emulate right click



I have replaced my old iBook with a Asus laptop with Linux Mint. On that apple, to right click, you would press AppleKey (keyboard key) and click the mouse. Is there a way to enable similar behavior in Linux? The Asus laptop has a right click mouse key as well as pressing down with two fingers at the same time which my sister can always do correctly, but they only work correctly about 25% of the time for me.


Posted 2013-02-14T00:15:43.110

Reputation: 565



Install xbindkeys and xdotool

$ sudo apt-get install xbindkeys xbindkeys-config xdotool

Then run

$ xbindkeys-config

and set your chosen key to run the following command

$ sleep .2 && xdotool click 3

You need to have a wait before xdotool clicks due to a bug in one of the programs.


Posted 2013-02-14T00:15:43.110

Reputation: 565