I have an HP laptop computer running Windows 8. It was purchased in the US and is in English. I need to use it in Russia and have the entire system language be Russian. Can I change this myself or do I need to purchase Windows 8 in Russian and install that on the laptop?
@Karan: Good catch. Voting to close. – bwDraco – 2013-02-12T17:03:03.087
@DragonLord: Actually, a simple search resulted in http://superuser.com/questions/499457, http://superuser.com/questions/502095, http://superuser.com/questions/509282, http://superuser.com/questions/509317 and likely others I missed, all of which have been closed as dupes of the one I linked to above.
– Karan – 2013-02-12T17:05:45.867