symlinks for admin users on Windows


On Windows you can create symlinks

  • either if you start the programm, you want to create a symlink in (e.g. cmd), as Administrator.
  • or if you give your user/usergroup the permission to create symlinks (here is an explanation, how to do this).

The second way is not working for me, when the user, whom I want to give the permission, is an administrator. Is there a solution for this issue?



Posted 2013-02-09T13:08:11.517

Reputation: 337



Hard link:


fsutil hardlink create "file1" "file2"


mklink /H "file1" "file2"


mklink /J dir1 dir2

Soft link:


mklink "file1" "file2"


mklink /D "dir1" "dir2"

Microsoft Windows 2000 Resource Kit :


Sysinternals Suite Utilities:


view link:

dir <drive: or dir> /S /A:L

run application at administrator:

Runas /user:[Domain\]administrator CMD

Administrative Tools

Group policy object editor

Computer Configuration\Windows Settings\Security Settings\Local Policies\User Rights Assignment\
Create symbolic links <user name, user group>


Posted 2013-02-09T13:08:11.517

Reputation: 6 180

2Thank you for info about creating links, but it doesn't give any answert to my question. – automatix – 2013-02-11T07:32:39.187

@automatix Thx, I edit it. – STTR – 2013-02-11T09:33:54.767

I think, you mean exactly the same way, that is descripted here and what I've linked to in my initial post ( Right? So, as I've already said -- that does NOT work for admin users.

– automatix – 2013-02-11T13:56:41.540

What makes your case DSQUERY USER -name avex | DSGET USER -memberof -expand thx! – STTR – 2013-02-11T16:43:29.697

That provide effective law. Do not redefined LSDOU?

– STTR – 2013-02-11T18:08:39.437

The commandos dsquery and dsget cannot be found. avex ist administrator (group "administrators"). – automatix – 2013-02-11T22:40:18.103

LSDOU? "It’s group policy inheritance model, where the policies are applied to Local machines, Sites, Domains and Organizational Units." ( Right? I think, I have not changed it.

– automatix – 2013-02-11T22:46:14.107

Can you create symlinks (e.g. mklink /D linkfolder targetfolder) on your system as admin user? I don't mean the case, when you're working on CMD, after you have opened it with the option "Start programm as Administrator". I mean, when you are logged in as a user of the group " Administrators" and use/start CMD (or another programm, that you create a symlink with) "normally". – automatix – 2013-02-11T22:52:27.890