Microsoft Office 2010 Reinstall, Pen Input No Longer Works


Earlier today I upgraded to Office 13, found it was VERY problematic, so I uninstalled in and reinstalled office 2010. Now, in OneNote, Word, PowerPoint, etc... I can no longer use pen input with my Tablet PC. The pen and eraser worked great before the uninstall, but here is my toolbar in OneNote now.

enter image description here

Moving the pen close to the screen, as if I were going to use it, gives me this error from OneNote:

enter image description here

Also, Windows Journal can no longer start:

enter image description here

The OS itself can still use the pen as it did before.

Any idea on how I can correct this issue?

Thank you for your time.

Oliver Spryn

Posted 2013-02-05T07:18:41.980

Reputation: 269



It turns out that this was a registry problem.

Save the registry data below as a .reg file, then double click it to have Regedit apply this registry fix. Once the file has been run, reboot your computer and open up office:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

"RunAs"="Interactive User"

I would recommend making a backup of your current registry file before applying this fix, in case anything goes wrong.

I also cannot be responsible if any part of your registry is damaged.

Oliver Spryn

Posted 2013-02-05T07:18:41.980

Reputation: 269