Running an application with root (or admin) privilages


I want to run MAMP Pro as root (or admin) under Mac OS X. MAMP starts up an Apache server on port 80 and because it's a low port, it I have to type my password in every time I start it up or shut it down.

Josh K

Posted 2009-10-13T04:23:22.957

Reputation: 11 754



Edit the sudoers file and add an entry:

sudo visudo

joshk ALL=NOPASSWD: /path/to/apache2


Posted 2009-10-13T04:23:22.957

Reputation: 20 109


Do you need Apache on port 80?

If this is the only part that requires administrative permissions, it might be easiest (and safer) to just configure another port.


Posted 2009-10-13T04:23:22.957

Reputation: 2 975

2I'd really really like it to be on port 80, how's that? ;) – Josh K – 2009-10-13T12:59:24.897