How to install lazarus on slackware 64 bit?


It seems i am unable to find a way how to install lazarus on 64 bit slackware system.

My goal is to make a 64 bit version of my DLL (.so in linux) which was writen in delphi. All is fine in 32 bit system. I use Arch Linux to build the 32 bit version, and using 1.0.2 Lazarus. I can use the .so file in 32bit slackware 13.1 with no problem.

Here is what i have tried so far:

Succesfuly installed 64bit version of fpc (v2.4.0).
Downloaded source codes of Lazarus from svn svn co lazarus. Compile failed with "expected := found in" at for Node in Self do line of avglvltree.pas.
Found no solutions on google.

Next: I have found some Lazarus tar file v0.9.30, extracted it make clean all.
Failed. Again some kind of error at some line in some file.

Next: I have found this page
Downloaded fpc, fpc source and lazarus 1.0.4 packages by going into "Lazarus Linux x86_64 RPM" link.
Turned out RPM belongs to another linux distrbution so installpkg doesnt work. Google told me i could use another package manager which was already in slackware, so i did, but then it started spitting out all the dependency missing stuff and i was way too tired to search for explanations as to what it was and where can i get it from. Each package resulted in even more errors.

Could somebody please tell me, step by step, how can i install lazarus and compile my dll?

I am sure i am doing something wrong (im really new to linux systems), but i have no idea what and none of the guides out there seem to tell me.


Posted 2013-01-29T17:13:36.357

Reputation: 148



The solution appeared to be very simple.

The .rpm files are taken from SourceForge .

Instead of using rpm -Uvh <rpm file>, need to use rpm2tgz <rpm file> command. Doing this for all 3 packages will convert .rpm to .tgz.

Next just use installpkg <tgz file> command to install them all, one by one. It takes quite a while.

Executing fpc -i command will show supported target systems (along with other information) where 'Linux for x86-64' was what was needed.

I had xfce 4 desktop manager installed with my Slackware 13.1 x64 so i ran it using startxfce4. Lazarus appeared at the 'Development' menu.

After opening Lazarus and the library project, need to go to Project > Project options... > Compiler options > Code generation. In the Target platform section need to change Target OS to Linux and Target CPU family to x86_64. Additionaly in Compiler Options > Other, had to add -fPIC to custom options field.

Saved and built. The generated .so file is now usable under 64 bit SlackWare.


Posted 2013-01-29T17:13:36.357

Reputation: 148

Lazarus is also found on, and can be managed with sbopkg for better handling of upgrades. This method does, of course, do the job. – 0xDAFACADE – 2014-08-14T19:14:46.647