No thumbnails for files on the network in Windows 8 explorer



I have a fresh Windows 8 machine which I just unwrapped, but after moving all of my files to a NAS box I have lost all thumbnails in explorer. I browse to the folder and all my JPEGs just have a standard icon. How can I get explorer to show the thumbnails?


Posted 2013-01-27T21:56:20.070

Reputation: 59

1What have you tried already? Have you tried rebooting (to refresh icon caches, etc)? Is thumbs.db being written to the NAS? How did you copy them to the NAS? – Ƭᴇcʜιᴇ007 – 2013-01-27T22:15:15.707



After much research I have found the one solution that seems to make a difference on my Windows 8 system, and that is:

Create the following registry key:


(DWORD 32) : DisableThumbnailsOnNetworkFolders : Value = 0

Once this was set and the system rebooted, explorer is now merrily making thumbnails for folders resident on network drives.


Posted 2013-01-27T21:56:20.070

Reputation: 59

+1 - The above worked for me on a Windows Server 2008 R2 machine, however I had to enable the 'Desktop Experience' feature as well. A logon/logoff was enough for the change to take effect but I suspect this may vary from case to case. – Jamie Keeling – 2013-09-20T13:47:50.337