convert gif to mp4 (gif2mp4)



Possible Duplicate:
How do I convert an animated GIF to a YouTube friendly video format?

The question is pretty straight-forward: How to convert animated gif file to mp4 video?

It might seem totally useless but it can come handy when trying to insert animations to a PDF presentation ( and to avoid uneccessary complications needed to get adobe reader working (


Posted 2013-01-27T15:38:04.553

Reputation: 242

Question was closed 2013-01-27T15:59:30.323



Step 1: Extract all frames from the input gif file (using imagemagick)

 convert INPUT.gif gif%05d.png

Step 2: Convert frames to video

 ffmpeg -r FRAMERATE -i gif%05d.png -y -an OUTPUT.mp4

Step 3 (optional): Delete all unnecessary temporal files

  rm gif*.png

Take care when deleting files.

Edit: In some versions of Ubuntu and Debian ffmpeg was replaced by avconv but the syntax remains same.


Posted 2013-01-27T15:38:04.553

Reputation: 242

4FYI, FFmpeg isn't obsolete, it's still there and actively maintained. avconv is merely the fork Ubuntu chose to bundle. – slhck – 2013-01-27T16:07:09.900