Deleted Project from Package Explorer, but cannot import it because it is still in the workspace



A few months ago I had a whole bunch of projects in my Package Explorer which I didn't think that I would ever use. So I deleted them to make some more room. I am still using the same workspace from back then, and the projects I deleted actually still exist in the /workspace directory.

This is a picture of my Eclipse window when I try to Import the project.enter image description here

This is a picture of my workspace directory:

enter image description here

I'm assuming I could move the project and then re-import it, but is there no cleaner way of doing this?


Posted 2013-01-15T14:52:00.833

Reputation: 105

I don'y have Eclipse on this computer, so I'm not putting this as an answer but... what happens if you uncheck Copy Projects into Workspace? – Moshe Katz – 2013-01-16T02:22:54.563

I ended up just moving it out of my /workspace directory and then Importing it. Looking back now, this definitely could have worked. – JuiCe – 2013-01-16T14:54:05.720



In future, as mentioned here be sure to select the Also delete contents under ... option while deleting a project:



Posted 2013-01-15T14:52:00.833

Reputation: 51 857