Why is a video card needed to put my system in sleep mode?



I'm using Windows 7 and some time ago my video card broke down. I can use the computer as I did, except I can't watch movies or play games, but that's okay with me. I'm not interested in putting any more money into it.

The only thing that bothers me is that now (with the video card disabled) I can't put my machine into sleep mode. Is there a way to go into sleep mode without a video card in Windows? Is it possible on Ubuntu (I might switch if that's the case)? Why is it required in the first place?

Amir Rachum

Posted 2013-01-12T08:39:44.580

Reputation: 682

Technically a video card is not required at all. However is is quite possible that windows makes a few assumptions which fail when the device is disabled. Can you boot the computer without the card (not just disabled, with the card removed) and see if you can put it in sleep mode? – Hennes – 2013-01-12T09:24:27.847

@Hennes The card is onboard, so no. – Amir Rachum – 2013-01-12T09:31:22.307

How do you know the card broke down? Also, how exactly are you using your computer when the on-board video is disabled? Finally, some details about your computer (desktop/laptop, brand, motherboard, CPU, etc.) would be helpful. – Indrek – 2013-01-12T09:34:08.653

@Indrek see this question I asked: http://superuser.com/questions/398532/screen-is-black-at-login-screen-if-display-driver-is-enabled

– Amir Rachum – 2013-01-12T09:35:23.140

1So when you say you disabled the video card, you actually mean you uninstalled the Intel/Lenovo drivers and are now running with Windows' default drivers (low resolution, no hardware acceleration etc.)? What exactly happens when you try to put the laptop to sleep? Try checking the Event Viewer. Also go to System (Win+Pause) -> Performance Information and Tools (lower left corner) -> Advanced Tools (left side), and see if there are any warnings there about programs or drivers interfering with sleep mode. – Indrek – 2013-01-12T09:43:27.157

@Indrek the sleep option is disabled (in the shutdown menu). – Amir Rachum – 2013-01-12T09:54:45.707

What if you press Fn+F4 (that should trigger sleep on your ThinkPad)? – Indrek – 2013-01-12T10:26:19.960

Doesn't do anything. – Amir Rachum – 2013-01-12T10:31:19.510

Are you connecting to it via RDP? – ta.speot.is – 2013-01-12T10:58:27.467

Connecting what to what? – Amir Rachum – 2013-01-12T11:46:18.893



You can force hibernation from the keyboard, sleep mode ought to be possible as well.

Press Win+R, type in shutdown -h -f and press Enter. ( requires hibernation enabled and any Windows Client... perhaps not server OS

Try this command line or batch file:

%windir%\system32\rundll32.exe PowrProf.dll, SetSuspendState 0,1,0

Tony Stewart Sunnyskyguy EE75

Posted 2013-01-12T08:39:44.580

Reputation: 1 582

I get "The request is not supported.(50)". – Amir Rachum – 2013-01-12T09:55:20.353

spaces between switches ?? > shutdown -h -f also You must enable hibernation in order to use the -h option. – Tony Stewart Sunnyskyguy EE75 – 2013-01-12T10:29:11.167