How can i have clickable URLs in Conemu?



I just had a message from Ruby saying

C:\Users\ndx>gem install awestruct
Fetching: hpricot-0.8.6.gem (100%)
ERROR:  Error installing awestruct:
        The 'hpricot' native gem requires installed build tools.

Please update your PATH to include build tools or download the DevKit
from '' and follow the instructions
at ''

Why aren't those URLs clickable ? (would be way cool to have such a feature in terminal).


Posted 2013-01-10T15:12:44.153

Reputation: 1 467



Hold LeftCtrl and click them.

Look for "Highlight & goto" option on "Controls" page ("Mark & Paste" in old stable release).


Posted 2013-01-10T15:12:44.153

Reputation: 19 395

I was thinking so because they were not highlighted, even when hoverring on them (but I must confess I was quite sure they would be, given the quality of Conemu). – Riduidel – 2013-01-11T08:59:48.397

Thought, Ctrl+Click is often used in misc programs for hyperlinks. And url "detecting" on each mouse move (without Ctrl) will be redundant. Thats why "LeftCtrl" is set be default. But user may change or remove "key-modifier". – Maximus – 2013-01-11T13:35:32.660


Quoting the "credits" link contents partially

ConEmu can highlight hyperlinks (e.g. and compiler errors (e.g. FarCtrl.pas(1002,49) Error: Identifier not found...).

Turn on checkbox «Highlight and goto» and choose appropriate modifier (e.g. «Left Ctrl») on the TextSelection page. So, when you hold selected modifier (e.g. «Left Ctrl») ConEmu will underlines hyperlinks/errors detected under mouse cursor. LeftClick (with modifier) will open it:

hyperlinks - in the default browser

e-mails - in the default Mail program

compiler errors - in the Far editor, positioned on row and column of the error


Lorenzo Von Matterhorn

Posted 2013-01-10T15:12:44.153

Reputation: 2 137

That TextSelection page is available on which Conemu version ? I'm using latest stable (120916) and can't find that option. – Riduidel – 2013-01-11T09:03:23.133

Current 'stable' is 120727c. So, x916 is alpha, not stable and not latest. Option located on 'Mark & Paste' page (regardless of version). – Maximus – 2013-01-11T09:56:50.717

@Maximus then how can I have used that version (I'm really puzzled as I don't remember having downloaded an alpha version) ? – Riduidel – 2013-01-11T15:36:51.877

I can't suggest where and what version you have downloaded ;) – Maximus – 2013-01-11T16:00:18.140