Octave: refer to output like %10 in Mathematica?


I want to reuse values. Is there a similar functionality as %10 of Mathematica in Octave?

octave:18> 3/log (2)

ans = 4.32808512266689

octave:19> % //how to output 4.328....

octave:19> %%

octave:19> %18

Léo Léopold Hertz 준영

Posted 2009-10-08T23:18:44.660

Reputation: 4 828



If you just need the last value calculated, the variable ans will do the job.

If you need it after several other calculations, you need to use the command run_history linenumber:

octave:9> 3/log(2)
ans =  4.3281
octave:10> 42
ans =  42
octave:11> 37
ans =  37
octave:12> run_history 9
ans =  4.3281

Then that value is in the ans variable and you can use it in a calculation:

octave:13> 2 * ans
ans =  8.6562

run_history is a command, not a function, so it doesn't seem to be usable directly in a calculation (or else I'm getting the syntax wrong). I'd love to hear about a more direct way if there is one.

quack quixote

Posted 2009-10-08T23:18:44.660

Reputation: 37 382