How can I disable the Toshiba Bluetooth Stack Popup when I connect my headset?


I have a USB Bluetooth radio to connect my jawbone headset to my computer. I'm currently using the Toshiba Stack on Windows 8 Professional and it works fine, however I want to disable the popups that appear every time I connect my headset.

The popup states that the device is not the default communication device. Even if it is the default communication device, it still does this.

It's frustrating because it will minimize the game I'm playing when I connect the headset.

Does anyone know how to stop these popups from appearing automatically every time? Or can someone recommend a bluetooth dongle that works well with headsets?

Otherwise, is there a better Bluetooth Stack for Windows that automatically connects headsets when they are turned on? The Windows Bluetooth stack is out of the question--it's garbage. I've also tried WIDCOMM and I always get loud popping sounds in my mic that my friends can hear during chat.

Note: I'm not referring to a notification tray balloon. The software actually loads up the Window's Audio Settings control panel, because it thinks you want to set your headset to the default playback device. I do not want to do that because I have the sound come out of my speakers and mumble come out of the headset.

I've googled a lot and haven't found anything. Any help is appreciated.

Tony D

Posted 2013-01-04T22:30:21.660

Reputation: 21



You can disable all Windows Notification Ballons if you wish:

Open up regedit.exe through the start menu search or run box, and then browse down to the following key:



Right-click on the right-hand pane, and create a new 32-bit DWORD with the following values:

Name: EnableBalloonTips
Value: 0

You’ll have to logoff and back on in order to see the change… or to be more correct, you won’t see any popup balloons anymore.

Source: How-to Geek

Actually, you need not do a registry hack. It's as simple as right-clicking the system tray and disabling all notifications from the programs on the system tray.


Posted 2013-01-04T22:30:21.660

Reputation: 1 233