Recently one of my friend facing a problem form an unknown person who is sending false and insulting e-mails to the office staff of my friend. Who ever that person might be some one who is in the company or someone who has worked in my friends' company before. Because that person has the e-mail addresses of most of the company staff. My friend asked me whether I can track that person. I have tried to trace the mails he has sent over the time but It was not success. And the other case is this person changes the e-mail address frequently. Sometime he uses a gmail address and sometime a yahoo address. What should be the better thing to track this person. Is it possible to track him by his e-mails?
use any online email tracing software, paid or free. – Spandan Chatterjee – 2012-12-24T18:39:58.370
2I would report this to the Police. It is harassment. I would not recommend tracking this person down. – Xavierjazz – 2012-12-24T18:40:57.523
If the messages are merely false and insulting, it will be hard to get the interest of the police. – None – 2012-12-24T19:01:15.497