Is gvfs capable of connecting to WebDAV shares with Digest authentication?


On Ubuntu 12.04 I try to connect to a WebDAV share on the local network, from Nautilus (over http, not https).

This works with cadaver and davfs (both of which seem to depend on a library called neon to do their work).

However it does not work with gvfs: Nautilus displays 'Error: not a WebDAV-enabled share'.

On the Apache2 server, access.log shows "OPTIONS /site HTTP/1.1" 200 229 "-" "gvfs/1.12.1" then nothing.

The configuration follows this writeup:

Is it a known gvfs bug ?


Posted 2012-12-21T17:16:46.937

Reputation: 161

Well, it fails with the same error in Nautilus if Basic authentication is required instead of Digest. – epsicot – 2012-12-23T11:14:53.570

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