Is there a command line client for playback?



I hope I'm not spamming with this kind of question here, but: is there a way to play playlists from Linux command line using, for example, mplayer or mpg123?

There is the API, but so far I haven't found a command line client based on that. And as a non-coder, I don't know how to write one myself either.

I'd prefer a Perl/Python solution, but that's not crucial, though. Thanks very much for any hints!

EDIT: Here's a project in Haskell, but I haven't tried it myself:


Posted 2012-12-20T08:15:12.957

Reputation: 335

Question was closed 2014-04-02T23:04:33.177



After reading this question, I started developing Orochi. It's based on Python and MPlayer.

It's still in beta but search, playback, login and fave/like controls are working. Any help is appreciated!

Danilo Bargen

Posted 2012-12-20T08:15:12.957

Reputation: 2 207

Awesome, mate, thanks a lot! Thus far I haven't encountered any errors, so it seems to work nicely on Debian 7/Python 2.7. I had kind of "abandoned" 8tracks due to the lack of a CLI app, but now I'm back. Thank you, thank you! – martz – 2013-04-14T07:00:08.193

Are you also planning to add support for user profiles, liked mixes and, maybe indicators for how many times a mix is played and liked by other users? – martz – 2013-04-14T07:08:24.457

Yes, user support is probably the next thing I'll implement. As for other usage issues, you're welcome to open an issue on Github if you have any ideas. – Danilo Bargen – 2013-04-14T21:54:26.510


Thank you for such a great client. If anybody needs quick-and-dirty user authorization, follow the official API or just run the command curl --request POST -d "login=USER&password=PWD" Just replace the USER and PWD with your username and password. Then open orochi's file and add the X-User-Token key to the session headers with the value of user-token in the server's XML response. It's a hack but it works and you only need to do it once.

– jeremija – 2013-09-15T06:51:16.673

@jeremija Thanks for the kind words. I'll probably implement user/auth stuff soon. – Danilo Bargen – 2013-09-15T10:55:22.577