Editing Chrome omnibox history



I was wondering if it is possible to modify what values show up in the Chrome omnibox when typing certain phrases.

For example, when I start typing "basecamp" it goes to basecamp.com/#####/projects/#####-old-project-im-not-on. I'd like it to either not have this one show up at all or instead prefer basecamp.com/#####/projects/#####-brand-spakin-new-project-yay.


Posted 2012-12-18T16:48:49.347

Reputation: 175

Question was closed 2015-03-12T18:41:10.997



A friend, who is crazy and doesn't want delicious SE points, told me the solution.

  1. Start typing what you'd like to remove
  2. Highlight the item using the keyboard
  3. Hold shift and press delete. (On a Mac laptop, backspace is labeled as delete, so you'll also have to also hold fn when hitting delete)

As a side note, I've noticed that this won't work in all cases. My hypothesis is that this happens when there aren't enough matches or a page is unique for your entry.


Posted 2012-12-18T16:48:49.347

Reputation: 175

This also doesn't work on newer versions of Chrome (I'm on 41). There's this thread where others are confirming this tip not working too: https://productforums.google.com/forum/#%21topic/chrome/6VJdCx_Y2Mg

– slm – 2015-03-12T12:25:26.060