What was the highest number of floppy disks ever used for a product?



Something I got to thinking of while sorting out a pile of driver floppies for windpws XP & 2003...

Of all the software products ever released, what came on the highest number of floppy disks? Windows 95 used 13, but I doubt that was the upper limit as things moved towards dual-release on floppy and CD before becoming CD only.


Posted 2009-10-07T03:02:55.980

Reputation: 361

Question was closed 2011-02-08T06:32:44.793

Should take this over to http://superuser.com

– squillman – 2009-10-07T03:06:48.890

I thought '95 was > 13... I remember sitting there for the best part of a day swapping them out – Mark Henderson – 2009-10-07T03:10:13.157

funny, i just threw out an old Win95 retail box full of the original floppies... – quack quixote – 2009-10-07T05:01:19.413

1the update version was 25 disks – Journeyman Geek – 2009-10-07T07:12:05.623



I don't know if it was publicly released, but I remember that when I was with one customer who had a very old (but powerful) machine and were licence customers of Microsoft, they requested XP on disk and it was delivered on around 250+ floppys

William Hilsum

Posted 2009-10-07T03:02:55.980

Reputation: 111 572

Imagine spending payroll on someone installing an OS from 250 floppies rather than just buying a CD-ROM drive. – db2 – 2019-07-18T13:48:06.230

2Whatt? Seriously? XP on floppies? Well, that's somehow cool... – Bobby – 2009-10-07T09:03:53.760

I am sure I still have it somewhere, (I never throw computer related stuff away!)... I will try to go to the attic and find it a bit later – William Hilsum – 2009-10-07T11:18:12.133

1that must have sucked when you found disk 249 was bad. – Keltari – 2014-01-13T20:00:39.857

3I wanna see pics! – MDT Guy – 2014-01-13T20:08:09.047


MS Office 97 Professional came on 45 floppies 55 floppies (97 Standard came on 45).


Posted 2009-10-07T03:02:55.980

Reputation: 8 283

I have a copy of MS Office 4.3 from back before cd's existed, and that was 43 floppies. – Torben Gundtofte-Bruun – 2010-08-23T12:12:04.200


OS/2 Warp v3 was 25 (39 if you include the bonus pack) - and i know because i just dusted it off and counted :) now can i find a working floppy drive?


Posted 2009-10-07T03:02:55.980

Reputation: 2 077

Thanks for doing that so I didn't have to go count :D – adric – 2009-10-07T04:04:32.470

I have a totally working USB floppy drive in my office desk drawer, and you'd be amazed by no litte use it sees these days! :) But still, every so often, I need to install Win XP x64 for instance, and suddenly I have to pop a driver in there.. :) – tplive – 2009-10-07T05:58:10.267

..and by "no litte use" I actually mean "how little use"... PEBKAC problem..:) – tplive – 2009-10-07T06:22:47.643


I still have the disks for Microsoft C++ 7.0 here in my drawer. There are 16 of them.


Posted 2009-10-07T03:02:55.980

Reputation: 10 524


Slackware Linux came on 33 disks.

Mark Harrison

Posted 2009-10-07T03:02:55.980

Reputation: 892


I recall hearing that MS SQL Server was quite a few disks (I want to say around 40), but can't find the exact number anywhere...


Posted 2009-10-07T03:02:55.980

Reputation: 1 159


MS Office Pro, 40+ disks, as far as I can remember...

Daniel Mošmondor

Posted 2009-10-07T03:02:55.980

Reputation: 484


How about for games? Monkey Island 2 came on 11 disks for the Amiga - and hard drives weren't that common!


Posted 2009-10-07T03:02:55.980

Reputation: 7 294

That was double density floppies though, not HD ones. Not sure if they would only count half :] But yes, good times swapping disks! I managed to finish the thing on a floppy only machine. – cc0 – 2011-01-05T07:19:40.503


I remember Lotus SmartSuite used 23...


Posted 2009-10-07T03:02:55.980

Reputation: 5 676


i remember that Borland C++ was on 15 disks

Remus Rigo

Posted 2009-10-07T03:02:55.980

Reputation: 2 623