Can I use sysprep to fix a booting BSOD when migrating a Windows 7 VHD to another computer?



I have Windows 7 installed on a VHD file(win7eng.vhd) on my computer A. Also, I have computer B that have a copy of Win7 installed physically.

Recently, I tried to copy win7eng.vhd to my computer B and add a boot menu using bcdedit. On B's Win7, I execute:

bcdedit /copy {default} /d "win7eng on vhd"
bcdedit /set {some-guid} device vhd=[D:]\win7eng.vhd
bcdedit /set {some-guid} osdevice vhd=[D:]\win7eng.vhd

Then, on B, when I try to boot into "win7eng on vhd", several seconds after the Windows logo animation, I see blue screen of death. The screen shot is:

enter image description here

B is a normal PC with no special disk controller(actually a VMware Workstation VM running on VMware Workstation 8.0), that is, Win7's install DVD has stock driver for its all hardware.

My question: How can I fix it on computer B? I know something about the sysprep tool. If I do a sysprep /generalize on A then copy the generalized vhd to B, it may boot(not verified yet). If it can boot, can I do the sysprep /generalize thing directly on computer B(without referring to A, assume that A is stolen)?

Jimm Chen

Posted 2012-12-15T12:09:12.237

Reputation: 4 129



Although the root cause of this 0x7B BSOD is still in mystery, I manage to fix it using Paragon Advanced Recovery CD(buy Paragon Hard Disk Manager 12 Professional, listed price $99.95).

When booting into CD(an WinPE env), attach my vhd, then P2P Adjust OS... , select the OS on my vhd, let it fix. Works like a charm.

BTW: It is strange that the Paragon software installed inside Windows 7 lacks the P2P Adjust OS... menu item ( image ). So I luckily find it in recovery CD.

enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here

Jimm Chen

Posted 2012-12-15T12:09:12.237

Reputation: 4 129