Goal : Build a custom DOS to boot into. To automate tasks like formating a drive, or doing recovery.
I've been using Grub4DOS to boot into these images.
So far I've looking into taking a windows repair disk ISO and extracting. I can't seem to find the autoexec.bat in the disk. I really don't know where to look for the startup configuration file to change or how to add an autoexec.bat.
I've tried MS-DOS 6.22. But it lacks the diskpart tool I require. I've tried extracting the images and adding it. Then I got a boot failed. I assume that after i added it. All the files when to lower case names and I assume that the OS is case sensitive.
Then I've looking into using FreeDOS. But I don't know how it works at all. Partially because I can't seem to grasp the help/wiki's information. I looked into getting a bearbones release with just the kernel and I think it's the config.sys file. But I don't have any idea on how the packaging system works to incorporate diskpart into it.
So really I'm in general looking for a small bootable DOS to where I can incorporate diskpart and setup an autoexec.bat for the actual function to carry out and to boot into.
This is just for personal use also.