In a public key file "id_rsa.pub" generated by ssh-keygen, does the part after the == matter?
I ask because when I changed "root@somedomain.com" to "root", it seems to still work.
More generally, I am curious about what the purpose of that half is.
The openssh sshd manpage is now at http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/man.cgi?sshd(8)
– Chirael – 2016-07-01T17:11:51.173OpenSSH reference should be OpenBSD, not FreeBSD. Here is the right man page: openssh sshd manpage
– Ouki – 2016-07-01T19:49:00.647in Google Cloud Platform, they implemented it in a way that the right part must be the username – Jossef Harush – 2019-07-11T12:52:55.300
Is there an RFC or similar document for this format as well? I've seen other funny things in these authorized_keys files as well, such as actual commands. – merlin2011 – 2012-12-09T09:53:37.590
This format seems openssh specific... but one of the most widely used. You can find some info about it in the openssh sshd manpage, in the "AUTHORIZED_KEYS FILE FORMAT" section.
– Ouki – 2012-12-09T10:02:03.660