Outlook.com custom domain, Exchange ActiveSync too many connected devices


Possible Duplicate:
Outlook 2013 too many devices synching with your account error

I just setup Outlook.com to run on a custom domain. The web interface works well but when I connect it to Outlook 2013 I get the following error:

There are too many devices syncing with this account. To sync using Outlook, try removing another device that is connected with this account such as a phone or another computer.

File: outlook\pstprx\storeas\utils\airsyncstatuscodes.h Line: 88 HTTP/1.1 200 OK FolderStatus: 177 To re-try press F9... Error Code: 0x80004005

I've done my home work, using Google, and found that it is often due to having 3 or 4 devices connected to an account with 50+ folders. My account is empty, no email or folder, and is not synced with any devices, I confirmed that on http://devices.live.com.

I'm out of option, any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you

Mike C.

Posted 2012-12-05T02:55:16.327

Reputation: 129

Question was closed 2012-12-13T10:58:00.867

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