Debian: set desktop resolution for non-monitor box


I have a debian box running Wheezy and booting into KDE4. The computer doesn't have any monitor attached but is set to start a vnc server for remote connection when main user auto-logins on startup. The problem is that when i connect to the vnc server the resolution is messed up (something like 480x320). How can i set the desktop resolution?


Posted 2012-12-04T18:16:55.067

Reputation: 191

What VNC server? AFAIK there are at least 3 different VNC servers in the repository. – Zoredache – 2012-12-04T19:03:19.113

x11vnc. The problem is not with setting the vnc server 'geometry' parameter. The problem is that the desktop screen is too small. – AlexL – 2012-12-04T19:08:45.687



Found the solution. I had to modify my video card's modprobe file to: options radeon modeset=0 and then add my own xorg conf file to specify the monitor details. I created the custom conf file in /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/ and added only monitor parameters like:

Section "Device"
Identifier "VNC Device"
Driver "vesa"

Section "Screen"
Identifier "VNC Screen"
Device "VNC Device"
Monitor "VNC Monitor"
SubSection "Display"
Modes "1600x900"

Section "Monitor"
Identifier "VNC Monitor"
HorizSync 30-70
VertRefresh 50-75


Posted 2012-12-04T18:16:55.067

Reputation: 191