Do Groups in Google Apps for Your Domain archive email like in Google Groups?



In Google Apps for Your Domain, Groups of users may be created to act as a mailing list.

Right now, we're still using a separate Google Group to archive our email discussions. I'd like to do away with that separate mailing list, and use the integrated Groups feature.

Does the Groups feature of Google Apps provide an email archiving feature?

Nikki Erwin Ramirez

Posted 2009-10-05T03:45:33.427

Reputation: 2 156



Short answer: No.

Google Apps groups are simply mailing lists that send email to all members. Archiving is up to the individuals receiving the list mail. Google Apps Groups don't provide a centralized location for mail; they're not like Google Groups in that regard.


Posted 2009-10-05T03:45:33.427

Reputation: 20 109

I was afraid that was so. Thanks for the confirmation. – Nikki Erwin Ramirez – 2009-10-06T10:04:23.293

Now I'm hoping they'd integrate Google Groups to Google Apps.. – Nikki Erwin Ramirez – 2009-10-06T10:10:45.480

I haven't heard anything, and wouldn't hold my breath. It has to be something that a large number of companies want, but I think they'll defer that kind of functionality to Wave. – jtimberman – 2009-10-06T13:45:26.967


Longer answer: Yes. They didn't at the time you asked the question, but as of the 8th December 2009, the Groups feature of Apps got a huge upgrade, and is now almost the same as Google Groups. It's only available for Premium or Education editions though.

James Polley

Posted 2009-10-05T03:45:33.427

Reputation: 5 892

Woohoo! I hope they roll this out to Standard edition soon! =D – Nikki Erwin Ramirez – 2009-12-30T11:04:09.323


Here is a work-around, which seems to work very well:

  • Create an email account for something like Then create a group such as

  • Forward the email, while keeping a copy from to



Posted 2009-10-05T03:45:33.427

Reputation: 21