Send Bulk emails without getting black listed


I want to send news letters to my clients and also to public visitors ( nearly 50,000 members ) without getting blacklisted , I tried amazon ses , mail chimp , sendy kind of tools but i dont want to register my domain because it might get black listed or spammed


Posted 2012-11-23T14:52:30.763

Reputation: 447

Question was closed 2012-11-23T15:04:18.257

1If it looks like Shoulder of Pork and haM, ... it probably is. – Journeyman Geek – 2012-11-23T15:04:57.507

3The whole point of properly sending out mass mail is doing it from your real domain. How else would services like MailChimp exist if that concept didn't work? – slhck – 2012-11-23T15:05:18.803



Hiding yourself will increase the possiblity to be blacklisted. Sending from a valid domain (i.e., reverse DNS lookup will work) with an SPF record will help not to be considered as spam.


Posted 2012-11-23T14:52:30.763

Reputation: 6 553