There's some keyboard device that attempts to pair with my iMac about every 30 seconds. The reject button only removes it temporarily. Same with the disconnect. Discoverable is already off for the bluetooth.
The window is modal and breaks my workflow every few seconds and I can't put it on a separate screen since it closes and reopens every few seconds. I can't just turn my bluetooth off since I have a mouse connected. I seems like Apple built in a pretty powerful way to 'undefendably' sabotage a computer.
Is there a way I can permanently 'ban' a Bluetooth address?
Do you know what the device is? What happens when you just pair the device? – Ramhound – 2012-11-13T19:37:51.390
nop, don't think it's actually in our office so I can't type in the keys to pair it – Xster – 2012-11-13T19:42:04.813
I managed to find the keyboard that was causing this but I would like to know if there is a way to permanently reject a bluetooth request. – Charles Beattie – 2013-02-11T16:01:04.700
Seems to be a really old issue across different OS X versions, with no proper fix yet. Showing modal dialogs repeatedly with no way to opt out is just stupid. (Edit: Perhaps Amyunimus has found a solution...)
– Karan – 2013-02-18T05:55:23.2132Bug submitted to apple. – Charles Beattie – 2013-02-20T16:01:51.713